Saturday, August 31, 2013

Oskar Blues Old Chub Review

Name: Oskar Blues Old Chub
Style: Scotch Ale
ABV: 8%

Oskar Blues Brewing started out as a brewpub in Colorado but has since expanded distribution out-of-state since it's inception. Back when I was living in Chicago, Oskar Blues was a staple of my beer fridge. That all changed when I moved back to Minneapolis. I still had a good selection, but there were still some beers which were noticeably absent from my fridge. Upon me moving to Duluth and my very close proximity to the Wisconsin border, I'm discovering new beers as well as rediscovering favorites from my time in Chicago; One of which includes Oskar Blues.

Except I had been drinking their Dale's Pale Ale and had never bothered to check out their other stuff, a choice which I regret because my hunt for Ten Fidy lingers on. In the meantime, I bring you Old Chub, Osker Blues' very own Scotch Ale.

It pours a hazy dark red color with a brown fluffy head. Head retention is pretty good and there is some visible carbonation along the sides of the glass.

The nose starts out with a caramel and peated scotch with cola, toffee and chocolate malt. The flavor has more of a distinct oak and smokey flavor to go along with it's caramel, peated scotch and cola notes.

The body is pretty light in weight and the carbonation mild, making this a pretty easy to drink beer. Impressive considering the higher-than-normal ABV for this style.

Old Chub is an excellent Scotch Ale and the light oak/smoke notes help add some much needed dimension to the flavor. Try this out, you won't be disappointed!

Oskar Blues Old Chub - 9/10

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