Tuesday, May 5, 2015

Wisconsin Brewing Ol' Reliable Review

Name: Wisconsin Brewing Ol' Reliable 
Style: Munich Helles
ABV: 4.8%

Today I've got a beer from the Wisconsin brewery called....Wisconsin Brewing Company, based out of Verona, Wisconsin. I really don't know too much about the brewery aside from that they started becoming available in our area recently and that they did a collaboration brew with students from UW-Madison as part of their Campus Craft Brewery program, which actually sounds very cool; Maybe for a future review?

However I will be focusing on their Ol' Reliable, which is a Munich Helles Lager. Why the name? According to the brewery, it's got a flavor you can always depend on for great taste. I'll be the judge of that, let's take a look.

Appearance - A clear yellow color and a mild amount of visible carbonation. The head itself has a rather thin & filmy appearance and the lacing is soapy and quite spotty.

Aroma - Right away I'm getting some nice bready-biscuits on the front of the nose paired with some pale maltiness. I'm also picking up on some light floral hoppiness tucked away in the back. It's got a simple aroma but it sure smells good; Almost like freshly baked bread.

Taste - Things off with some yeastiness & pale maltiness which linger throughout the flavor, however in the second half of the flavor is where those floral hops start to shine through with even a hint of bitter hops as well. The aftertaste is a mix of pale malts and light bitter hops.

The flavor isn't even close to what I would consider complex but it tastes quite good and rather robust for what it is. Just like the description implies, the flavor will never let you down. After having this, I'm very excited to see what else these guys can make.

Wisconsin Brewing Ol' Reliable - 8.5/10

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