Tuesday, August 18, 2015

Milwaukee Brewing Increase Wheat Review

Name: Milwaukee Brewing Increase Wheat
Style: Berliner Weisse
ABV: 3.1%
IBUs: 5

Though the summer seasonal beer releases are starting to fade away, I still do have a beer or two in the fridge that are technically summer seasonals. The beer I'll be looking at today is Milwaukee Brewing's Increase Wheat. It's a Berliner Weisse style ale that is brewed with Gooseberries. For the record, I've never actually consumed Gooseberries before and have no idea what they taste like. In fact.........

I don't think I've ever reviewed an actual Berliner Weisse on this blog ever. That's not to say that I haven't had them before, I had the Schell's North Country Brunette & New Glarus' Berliner Weisse but I wasn't taking notes at the time (or taking photos for that matter.)

Appearance - Foggy pale yellow color with a mild amount of visible carbonation climbing up the sides of the glass. The head is fairly thin for the most part with some very sparse lacing along the sides of the glass.

Aroma - Picking up on some light sour notes with hints of berry sweetness (which I'm going to assume is the gooseberries). As such, I'm also getting some malted wheat in here as well.

Taste - Getting some moderate sourness upfront paired with some malted wheat, the former of which gains momentum in the back of the palate which consists of some mild gooseberry (I think) and white grape sweetness. As for the aftertaste, it's fairly dry save for a mild indeterminate tartness.

This is definitely not the sourest nor the most complex Berliner Weisse I've had. At the same time, it's tolerable, drinkable and possesses a decent flavor though this probably wouldn't be my first choice as far as the Berliner Weisse style goes. Try a pint and decide for yourself.

Milwaukee Brewing Increase Wheat - 7.5/10

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