Thursday, April 7, 2016

Barley John's 6 Knot Review

Name: Barley John's 6 Knot
Style: India Pale Ale
ABV: 6.9%
IBUs: 50

Another beer from Barley John's Brewery for today. Last review, I looked at their Wild Brunette Wild Rice Brown Ale and I thought it was pretty awesome, so naturally I'm pretty excited for today's beer, which is their 6 Knot IPA.

I know that their Old 8 Porter and Wild Brunette are staples at the brewpub in New Brighton but I think this may be an original recipe that was made for when the brewery in Wisconsin opened up, though that is just speculation on my part.

Appearance -  Dark orange color with a light amount of visible carbonation. The head is nice and foamy and has a light khaki color look to it with great retention. On top of that, the lacing left behind is also rather abundant.

Aroma - Citrus hops paired with a very strong caramel malt backbone with just a hint of piney hops towards the back. I'm also getting some dankness in here as well along with some mild licorice notes.

Taste - Dank citrus hops upfront while the middle is this massive caramel malt backbone paired with some mild piney hops. The back end of the flavor is more of that caramel maltiness but in a more candied sense, paired with some mild bitter hops. The aftertaste is mainly more caramel malts with some of those dank citrus hops making another appearance, though it lingers for just a couple moments.

All and all, another fantastic beer from Barley John's. The malt profile is nice and strong and compliments that hops perfectly. I've said before that I'm not as well versed with Barley John's as other local craft breweries out there, but having this beer tells me exactly how they've built up a local following over the years. That said, I can't wait to see what else they bring to the table.

Barley John's 6 Knot - 9/10

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