Tuesday, November 22, 2016

Schell's Snowstorm (2016) Review

Name: Schell's Snowstorm (2016)
Style: English Strong Ale
ABV: 6.5%

It's time that of the year again to look at the newest Snowstorm beer from Schell's and the timing couldn't be better because we're on track to get hit with our first major snow storm today, with estimates as high as 6 inches by tomorrow morning; Oh joy!

So what style are they laying on us this year? Last year, it was a Wallonian Brown Ale and this year it's a....British Strong Ale? At first, I couldn't believe the label but when I looked it up, sure enough, there is indeed a English Strong Ale style. And get this, according to Beer Advocate, I've had one other English Strong Ale and that was Dogfish Head's Immort Ale, though I listed it as a Strong Ale for whatever reason.

Appearance - Clear dark orange color with a very high amount of visible carbonation. The head is nice and foamy and there's tons of lacing left behind.

Aroma - Caramel and toffee malts with some light biscuit notes and floral hops. It also has a light Munich malt quality to it. It kind of reminds me of a Vienna Lager...almost.

Taste - Sweet caramel and toffee malts upfront with some surprisngly strong floral hops in the middle and back end of the palate. There's some more of that biscuit like quality to it in the back as well. Aftertaste is mostly caramel malts and light bitter hops and I'm also getting a nice warming sensation from this as well.

Schell's has given us yet another solid Snowstorm beer this year and the warming sensation I got from this beer will definitely be welcome in the coming months By itself, it's nothing exciting but it's worthy of your attention nevertheless.

Schell's Snowstorm (2016) - 8.25/10

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