Tuesday, January 10, 2017

Oliphant Citizen Kang Review

Name: Oliphant Citizen Kang
Style: Helles Bock
ABV: 6.7%

When I visited Olpihant Brewing a few months ago, I fell in love with them and how they took a creative approach to their beers. Fast forward to now and they've (somehow) managed to gain the ability to self distribute to Minnesota using some legal loophole/brouhaha that I'm not going to even bother to get into. The point being is that I now no longer have to travel to Wisconsin to have their beers....but will gladly do so going forward.

Case in point, I have their Citizen Kang Helles Bock. Now I grabbed this in Wisconsin this past weekend but the reason being that I haven't given any of their beers a proper review so I figured this would be a good way to start.

Appearance - Hazy dark orange with a mild amount of visible carbonation. The head is pretty foamy and there's a good amount of lacing left behind.

Aroma - Pale malts and caramel with some light floral hops and just a hint of barley. The smell almost reminds me of spring seasonals.

Taste - Pale malts and barley on the front of the palate, but the back opens up to a rich caramel sweetness and mild floral hoppiness, As for the aftertaste, it's mostly just a mild hop bitterness with some barley but is otherwise quite dry.

It's not the most complex beer out there but it's certainly a robust one for what it is. With that said, I look forward to trying out many, many more of their offerings in the future. For the time being, go check this out if you can.

Oliphant Citizen Kang - 8.5/10

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