
Saturday, October 18, 2014

Evil Twin I Love You With My Stout Review

Name: Evil Twin I Love You With My Stout
Style: Imperial Stout
ABV: 12%

It's time to look at another offering from Evil Twin Brewing. This time around I'm reviewing their I Love You With My Stout, which is one of their Imperial Stout offerings. As for the long winded, oddball name, your guess is as good as mine.

The head pours a dark tan color with a thin appearance out along with a pitch black body. There is some visible carbonation on top and sides of the glass with some mild lacing

The aroma is quite roasty with some roasted barley and chocolate malt notes along with some strong bitter hoppy notes in the back

Flavor has some strong roasted barley notes with some chocolate malts along with a strong citrus hop sweetness and bitter hoppiness on the back end of the palate. The aftertaste is a mixture of bitter citrus hops and some chocolate malts. The flavor almost reminds me of a chocolate orange!

Body is moderate in terms weight and the carbonation is light. It also has a very smooth texture so it feels quite creamy.

The strong citrus hop profile is definitely something out of the ordinary for the style yet it works in synchronicity with the chocolate and roasty aspects of the flavor. While some traditionalists may not be a fan the sheer citrus hoppiness of the flavor, I enjoyed this a lot and would easily recommend this to anyone.

Evil Twin I Love You With My Stout - 9/10

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