
Monday, November 17, 2014

Bauhaus Brew Labs Wonderstuff Review

Name: Bauhaus Brew Labs Wonderstuff
Style: Pilsner
ABV: 5.4%

I have one more can from Bauhaus Brew Labs that I have in my fridge, so I figured today would be a good day to review this. The beer in question is their Wonderstuff Pilsner. It's been a long while since I've reviewed any Pilsners, so what better way to break that dry spell than with a Pilsner that is local?

Wonderstuff pours a hazy yellow color with no visible carbonation. The head is very white and foamy & the lacing is suprrisngly abundant.

The aroma starts out with some prominent Pilsner malts & grassiness before settling in with some light citrus hops, and lager yeasts.

The flavor is fairly pilsner & pale malt forward with some grassiness, moderate citrus & bitter hops and ends with a lager yeast and bitter hop aftertaste.

The body is light but the carbonation starts to pick up and ends up being moderate. The body as a whole feels nice, crisp, and refreshing.

Pilsners aren't usually the first goto style for myself, but I enjoyed Wonderstuff alot more than I thought I would! After having a few of their offerings, I'm really excited to see what else this brewery will have to offer beer drinkers in the near future.

Bauhaus Brew Labs Wonderstuff - 8.5/10

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