
Monday, November 10, 2014

Crow Peak 11th Hour IPA Review

Name: Crow Peak 11th Hour IPA 
Style: India Pale Ale
ABV: 6.5%

Tonight I'm trying out my very first South Dakota beer, which would be Crow Peak Brewing's 11th Hour IPA. Crow Peak Brewing is based out of Spearfish, SD. I'll admit that when I think of South Dakota, the first thing that pops into my head is not craft beer, but I've heard about this brewery a few times from my cousin, who travels to South Dakota on a regular basis to visit his wife's family so I'm very eager to try this out!

11th Hour IPA pours a very clear orange color with no visible carbonation to speak of. The head is on the foamier side and the lacing is plentiful.

The nose starts off with a strong floral hoppiness that is followed up with an equally strong citrus hop profile. The back end of the aroma is a nice toffee and caramel malt sweetness.

With the flavor, it's fairly identical to the nose. You have a hop profile upfront which is a blend of floral and citrus hops with a toffee malt and light apricot finish.

The palate is pretty moderate both in terms of weight and carbonation. It's what you would expect out of an IPA: Not too light nor is is too heavy but just right.

11th Hour doesn't do anything I haven't already seen with an IPA but it is certainly drinkable and very flavorful at that. After having this, I'm very eager to see what else Crow Peak has in store for craft beer drinkers out there!

Crow Peak 11th Hour IPA - 8.5/10

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