Tuesday, November 25, 2014
Stone Cali-Belgique IPA Review
Name: Stone Cali-Belgique IPA
Style: Belgian IPA
ABV: 6.9%
Thanks to my now frequent visits down to the Twin Cities, I've been able to get my Stone Brewing fix on a fairly regular basis. Which leads us to today's beer: Stone Cali-Belgique IPA, which is a their Belgian IPA. I also just realized that my past 4 reviews from Stone Brewing (including this one) have been an IPA-style beer. Next time I grab some Stone, I'll be sure it's not an IPA.
Pours a clear orange color with some mild visible carbonation. The head takes on a foamy thin white appearance and the lacing is rather abundant.
The nose has a strong grapefruit & citra hop profile upfront with some strong clove & and belgian yeast notes in the back.
The flavor has some strong Belgian yeast esters upfront which is followed by some mild banana notes. The citrus hop and grapefruit notes show themselves in the second part of the flavor but aren't quite as prominent as they are in the nose. As for the aftertaste, it's mainly a very strong bitter hoppiness and a moderate Belgian yeastiness.
The body is fairly moderate in terms of weight but it's light carbonated. It's a pretty easy beer to drink and it allows you to enjoy the flavor this beer has to offer.
While I think the flavor could use some more hops upfront, Cali-Belgique is another excellent beer from Stone Brewing and is worth checking out if you get the chance.
Stone Cali-Belgique IPA - 9/10
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