
Tuesday, December 9, 2014

Schell's Snowstorm (2014 Edition) Review

Name: Schell's Snowstorm (2014 Edition)
Style: Grand Cru/Belgian Strong Ale
ABV: 6.5%

Every winter, Schell's Brewing releases their Snowstorm Ale, which changes style every year. Last year it was a Belgian Golden Ale, and now this year it is a Grand Cru; Which is a term normally used to describe wine but it's also used to describe something that has no set category. However I've seen this also described as a Belgian Strong Ale, so I will be using both terminologies in the description.

Snowstorm pours a clear dark orange color with a mild amount of visible carbonation. The head is quite fizzy at first but retains a thin foamy appearance throughout. I am not picking up on any lacing though.

The nose has a nice aroma of coriander & orange peels upfront followed by citrus hops and caramel malts in the back.

The flavor treats you to a nice mix orange peel, belgian yeasts and coriander; While the second half of the flavor is citrus hops, spices and a caramel maltiness. The flavor is surprisingly complex for what it is.

I have to say that this was quite good. I like the flavor and the overall drinkability; It's beers like this that make me look forward to the annual Snowstorm release. Be sure to pick this up while it's still in rotation

Schell's Snowstorm (2014) - 9/10

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