
Tuesday, January 13, 2015

Back East Brewing Back East Ale Review

Name: Back East Brewing Back East Ale
Style: Amber Ale
ABV: 5%

Getting back to my Connecticut beer mail, I have a beer from Back East Brewing Company, based out of Bloomfield, CT. I have their Back East Ale, which is an Amber Style Ale. I don't have much information about this beer aside from it being Back East's flagship beer, according to their website.

Back East Ale pours a very hazy orange color with no visible carbonation to speak of. The head starts out foamy but quickly takes on the thin filmy appearance that retains throughout. I'm not getting any lacing though.

Vienna & Munich malts make up the front half of the nose while roasted barley, some chocolate notes and floral hops make up the back end. For an amber ale, it possesses a very malty smell.

Interestingly enough, floral and bitter hops take on a more aggressive role in the taste, especially upfront. In the middle is where the Munich malts are the strongest mixed in with some roasted barley and chocolate notes. In the aftertaste, I'm picking up on some bitter hoppiness and some light roastiness.

Judging from the nose I was expecting a fairly malt forward Amber Ale, but what I got instead was a surprisingly balanced-tasting beer. Aside from the slightly superfluous name, I honestly can't find anything wrong with this beer. Sure it's not going to blow you away flavor-wise, but it's extremely drinkable and worth seeking out if it's available in your area.

Back East Brewing Back East Ale - 9/10

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