
Sunday, January 25, 2015

Great Lakes Dortmunder Gold Review

Name: Great Lakes Dortmunder Gold
Style: Dortmunder Lager
ABV: 5.8%

Even though it is the middle of winter, that doesn't necessarily mean that every beer has to be dark and heavy. Sometimes I just need something to change things up, which is why I'm taking a look at Dortmunder Gold from Great Lakes Brewing Company. The beer gets its name from winning Gold Medals at various competitions across the country.

Come to think of it, I haven't reviewed a single beer from Great Lakes since starting this blog nearly 2 years ago. Better late than never I suppose.

Dortmunder Gold pours a clear dark yellow color with some mild carbonation. The head is quite foamy but the lacing is on the spotty side.

The nose starts out with some pale maltiness & floral hops, followed up by some yeastiness and barley. I'm getting some light Pilsner malts in here is well.

The taste starts out with some floral hops and yeastiness upfront before settling into some pale maltiness and a bitter hop aftertaste.

Dortmunder Gold is not overly complex by any stretch of the imagination but it doesn't really need to be. It gets the job done and the end result is a nice, easy drinking beer. If you need a six-pack for the weekend, then this'll do just fine.

Great Lakes Dortmunder Gold - 8/10

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