
Friday, January 9, 2015

New England Elm City Lager Review

Name: New England Elm City Lager
Style: Pilsner
ABV: 5%

Next up in my Connecticut beer mail package is from New England Brewing Company called Elm City Lager. Oddly enough, the can looks like it's called Elm City Pilsner but the website calls the it "Elm City Lager", which makes sense since a pilsner is technically a lager.

Elm City pours a clear yellow color with some moderate visible carbonation. The head is white and foamy and the lacing is sparse but visible nonetheless

The aroma starts out with some pale & pilsner malts and mild citrus hops in the front. This is followed by a bit of floral hoppiness and some pilsner-grassiness.

The taste is fairly Citrus and floral hops forward by some pale & pils malts and ends with a slightly bitter hop aftertaste.

It's hoppier than usual for a Pilsner but it works out quite well! It's flavorful, crisp, easy to drink and I could see myself drinking this on a regular basis. I would highly recommend that anyone on the East Coast check this if it's available in their area.

New England Elm City Lager - 8.5/10

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