
Monday, March 16, 2015

Green Flash West Coast IPA Review

Name: Green Flash West Coast IPA
Style: Imperial IPA
ABV: 8.1%
IBUs: 95

I've been taking a look at beers from breweries that I haven't looked at for a while as of late. For this review, I'm looking at West Coast IPA from Green Flash Brewing. The last time I reviewed anything from Green Flash, they had a different style of branding so this is something that is pretty new to me.

Looking at the label itself, West Coast IPA talks about how Green Flash is a pioneer in giving rise in prominence of the West Coast IPA-style itself. It even displays the types of hops used in the brewing process. It also come as no shock that Green Flash specializes mostly in IPA & Pale Ale styles.

Appearance - A fairly hazy dark orange color with a fair amount of haze and a moderate amount of visible carbonation. There isn't really too much of a head save for a thin film and the lacing is rather sparse.

Aroma - Sweet mango fruitiness and rich citrus hoppiness. Some caramel maltiness in here as well, with some musty and piney hoppiness tucked away in the back.

Taste - Bitter hoppiness in the very front with some citrus and floral hops. On the back end of the palate is a mixture of caramel malts and piney hops. The aftertaste consists mainly of bitter hoppiness and caramel malts.

This is more on the bitter side when it comes to the actual West Coast-style as far as IPAs are concerned. Also it doesn't do anything terribly new when it comes to the Imperial IPA style. With that said, it's still an excellent Imperial IPA and I believe it's worth checking out should you find it on store shelves.

Green Flash West Coast IPA - 8.5/10

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