
Tuesday, July 7, 2015

Tin Whiskers Parity Pilsner Review

Name: Tin Whiskers Parity Pilsner
Style: Pilsner
ABV: 4.8%
IBUs: 29

Just a little heads up right now, this will be my last beer review for about a few days as me and my wife will be busy getting moved into our new place. No need to worry though, as I have a few articles already finished and will be releasing them periodically throughout the week. For right now, we're taking a look at another offering from Tin Whiskers Brewing.

It's been a few months since this brewery was last featured on here so I've decided to review their Parity Pilsner. Hopefully with my upcoming move, they will be featured more regularly here. Since the owners of the brewery have backgrounds in electrical engineering, I knew right away that the name had something to to do with their profession in some sense. Sure enough, I looked up the definition of Parity and here's what it means:

Parity - a technique of checking whether data has been lost or written over when it is moved from one place in storage to another or when transmitted between computers.

Appearance - Fairly clear pale yellow color with a mild amount of carbonation. The head is rather soapy but with good retention and the same goes for the lacing, which is also fairly sticky.

Aroma - Lemongrass and pilsner malts dominate the front of the nose. These are mixed in with some floral hops and pale maltiness. And yes, just like the label says, there's even some tea leaves in here but it isn't immediately apparent.

Taste - Pilsner malts and grassiness upfront with some floral hops and some lemon grassiness. The aftertaste is mostly lemongrass and pilsner malts. I'm not getting the tea notes that I experienced in the nose but the taste is somewhat on the earthier side, so perhaps that is where the tea should be.

All and all, it's a beer that tastes great and feels very crisp, making this an ideal summer seasonal. On top of that, the asking price is considerably reasonable at around $5, though this may vary from store to store. Since it's a relatively new brewery, distribution is currently limited to the Minneapolis-St. Paul area but here's to hoping that their reach grows in the future.

Tin Whiskers Parity Pilsner - 8/10

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