Monday, September 21, 2015
Lakefront Pumpkin Lager Review
Name: Lakefront Pumpkin Lager Review
Style: Pumpkin Beer
ABV: 5.8%
Now here's a beer I haven't had in about 3 years, Lakefront Brewing's Pumpkin Lager. I recall having this at the Fat Cat Bar in Chicago and found it to be quite good for what it was. Of course I wasn't taking notes at the time an account of me being on a date with the future wife; Hey, priorities!
Well the other day I happened to come into possession of this and I'm quite excited to try this out again. Also, the last time Lakefront had graced the pages of this website, it was all the way back in May 2014. Normally I'd complain about that but you can never have too many breweries to choose from.
Appearance - A fairly hazy dark orange color with a mild amount of visible carbonation. The head itself is quite thin in appearance but has some good retention but the lacing is quite lacking for the most part.
Aroma - Cinnamon & cloves with some moderate pumpkin pie and crust notes. Also getting some light pale maltiness and a bit of nutmeg. Compared to Shipyard, this has way more pumpkin in it.
Taste - Pumpkin pie crusts and nutmeg upfront, followed by some bready biscuit yeasts, cinnamon & clove notes. In the aftertaste, I'm getting some light toffee and pale malts with just a slight hint of pumpkin spice.
The flavor remains virtually unchanged from 3 years ago.....and that's a good thing. It's not overwhelming by any means but delivers in terms of overall flavor. If you're new to pumpkin beers and want to get into them, I'd suggest giving this one a spin and see for yourself.
Lakefront Pumpkin Lager - 8/10
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