Saturday, September 26, 2015
Weyerbacher Merry Monks Review
Name: Weyerbacher Merry Monks
Style: Tripel
ABV: 9.3%
IBUs: 15
Ahhh Weyerbacher, a brewery that I haven't had since my days as an undergraduate. Based out of Pennsylvania, these guys are known for making some beers that are pretty strong. Today I've got their Merry Monks Tripel, though judging from the bottle artwork, I would think a more appropriate name would be Mischievous Monks. Look at him, he's acting like they just hid a dead body behind the casks in the background.
To date, I've had their Imperial Pumpkin Ale & their Blithering Idiot barrel-aged barleywine and it pretty much turns you into one after having a couple bottles of it. I'll do my best to bring them back for a review sometime in the near future.
Appearance - Hazy Dark Golden Color with a moderate amount of visible carbonation. The head is rather thin head with a light amount of retention and the same goes for the lacing.
Aroma - Belgian yeasts & cloves, followed by some figs and toffee sweetness. I'm also getting some light spices and light floral hop notes.
Taste - Belgian yeasts & strong clove notes followed by toffee malts, strong figs & spices. Again, I'm getting those mild floral hops and a moderate boozy aftertaste with some yeasts and bitter hops.
A little too boozy for my liking in the aftertaste, but aside from that, this is actually a pretty solid Tripel. It doesn't deviate too much from the standard formula but then again it really doesn't need to. If you're looking for a pretty good Tripel, than this will do just fine.
Weyerbacher Merry Monks - 8/10
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