
Wednesday, December 2, 2015

Boulevard Tell-Tale Tart Review

Name: Boulevard Tell Tale Tart
Style: Wild Ale
ABV: 6.2%
IBU: 10

Before I start, I must apologize for getting sidetracked with those other reviews. You know how it is, you're reviewing some beers when, out of the blue, something catches your eye and you just have to have it. Oh yes, I'm sure you're all aware there are tons of beers coming out right now and I try to get around to all of them but sometimes that isn't the case. Oh well, it's a good problem to have I suppose.

Now then.....time for the final beer in the Boulevard Great Eight Variety Pack. This beer is actually a fairly new addition to the Boulevard line-up and it's a Wild Ale of all styles. I give to you Tell Tale Tart, which takes it's name from the Edgar Allen Poe story Tell Tale Tart. From what I gathered, this is also a year-round beer as part of their Smokestack Series.

Appearance - Fairly clear orange color with a mild amount of visible carbonation/ There isn't really anything in terms of a head though, with the exception of a few moments where it is visible before fading away entirely. There also isn't any sort of lacing to speak of either.

Aroma - Citrus-apple tartness along with some pale & toffee maltiness. There's also some light rum raisin notes that I'm picking up on as well.

Taste - Strong raspberry tartness (not sourness) with some light citrus notes. I'm also getting some light pale maltiness along with some cereal grains. I am getting a tiny hint of that rum raisin that was present in the nose in the aftertaste along with some more raspberry tartness.

If there is any beer that I think would be a good introduction to sour beers, this would be on the top of my lists. It's tart and yet it isn't what I would consider to be sour, though that could change depending on how your taste buds are. At the same time, those who are fans of Wild Ales will find something to like about this beer. It may not do anything new in regards to the style but this is still a tasty beer.

Boulevard Tell Tale Tart - 8.5/10

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