
Monday, December 7, 2015

Sam Adams Old Fezziwig Ale Review

Name: Sam Adams Old Fezziwig Ale
Style: Winter Warmer
ABV: 5.9%
IBUs: 25

I was going to continue reviewing my Sam Adams Winter Seasonal pack but I had some friends over this past weekend. As a result, I decided to bring some beers, of which, these were my choice of beer. Kind of sad, since I didn't take notes on the Chocolate Bock as I thought it was probably the best beer that I've had from Sam Adams in a long time.

In any case, I have their Old Fezziwig Ale, which is a winter warmer style beer. Unlike the previous beer, which was added very recently to the Sam Adams line-up, this beer has been around for over 14 years, according to it's addition to Beer Advocate. As for the beer name itself, it comes from the character Fezziwig from the Charles Dickens' book (and perhaps unsurprisngly) A Christmas Carol.

Appearance - Dark brown color with mild amount of visible carbonation. Head is fairly foamy with a light khaki colored head, though there really isn't much in terms of lacing.

Aroma - Plums & chocolate malts and toffee sweetness upfront. This is followed by some light roasted barley notes and a hint of spices & cinnamon.

Taste - Doesn't deviate too much from the nose. You've got some chocolate malts & caramel, followed by some mild roastiness with some more cinnamon and allspice notes. Aftertaste consists of toffee sweetness and mild cinnamon notes.

I personally there should be a little smokiness here to add some dimension to the flavor. However as it stands, it's a good beer with a nice flavor. Not available as a standalone, at least to my knowledge, but it's one certainly worth checking out.

Sam Adams Old Fezziwig Ale - 8.5/10

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