Monday, May 16, 2016
Lakefront IPA Review
Name: Lakefront IPA
Style: India Pale Ale
ABV: 6.6%
IBUs: 35
Second to last in the sampler pack is Lakefront's IPA.....I'm sorry, I mean EYEPA. Get it, because there's a giant eye in the "I" on the label? No? Well so much for my horrible puns. In any case, it's another one of Lakefront's IPAs that I've seen before in 6-packs but have never bothered to try it, so let's give it a go shall we?
Appearance - Hazy dark orange color with no visible carbonation. The head is very thin and fades away after a few moment but there's some decent lacing left behind along the sides of the glass.
Aroma - Strong caramel malts and moderate piney & bitter hops with some mild apple juice notes.
Taste - Strong caramelized maltiness upfront with some bitter and light piney hops to back it up. The back end of the palate is more or less of the same, with the aftertaste being a mix of light toffee sweetness and bitter hops
For an IPA, it's definitely on the maltier side of things, perhaps a little too much so. Still, the hop profile is there and makes the most of the situation, even if it is a bit too sweet by standards for the style. If you like your IPAs to be a malt bomb, then this is the beer for you.
Lakefront IPA - 7/10
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