
Tuesday, June 28, 2016

Clown Shoes Third Party Candidate Review

Name: Clown Shoes Third Party Candidate 
Style: India Pale Lager (IPL)
ABV: 7%

It's been a while since I looked at anything from Clown Shoes and it's also been a while since I've had a good IPL so what better way to fulfill both desires? I give to you Third Party Candidate, which is an IPL. I also know for a fact that this beer in particular was released a couple years ago with both a different label and style. I can't say whether or not this will be continue but I'll just go with what is in front of me.

Appearance - Clear bright yellow color with a moderate amount of visible carbonation. The head is on the thinner side but has some good retention and the same goes for the lacing.

Aroma - Citrus and bitter hops with some pale maltiness. I'm getting some lager yeasts in here too with a mild but noticeable mango sweetness.

Aroma - Citrus & mango sweetness upfront with some pale maltiness and bitter hops towards the middle. In the back, I'm getting some more citrus hoppiness along with some of that lager yeastiness. Aftertaste is mangos and bittersweet hops.

At the price I paid for a bomber of this, I have to say this is quite good. I'm happy to see that the IPL style has been picking up steam (at least in my area) and that it's been gaining a steady following as of late. It's got a good amount of hops yet it's light enough in body and the overall flavor profile accents the hop profile wonderfully. As a result, this one is very easy to recommend.

Clown Shoes Third Party Candidate - 8.5/10

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