
Tuesday, September 20, 2016

Deschutes Hopzeit Autumn IPA Review

Name: Deschutes Hopzeit Autumn IPA
Style: India Pale Ale
ABV: 7%
IBUs: 60

I thought I was done with the Oktoberfest beers but there's a couple more that have caught my eye that I feel warrant a review. Plus if Avery's The Kaiser taught me anything it's that Oktoberfest style can actually  be interesting under the right circumstances.

Case in point, this beer isn't even really a full-on Oktoberfest beer. I'm of course talking about Deschutes Hopzeit Autumn IPA, which to my knowledge is a brand new fall seasonal from the brewery, which is, in the words of the brewery: A Traditional Marzenbier Inspired India Pale Ale. I can't say I've had a hoppy Oktoberfest before but it certainly jumped out at me when I saw it.

Appearance - Hazy dark red color with a mild amount of visible carbonation. The head is pretty thin and flimsy but the lacing left behind isn't bad.

Aroma - Well, I'm certainly picking up on those Munich/Marzen malts but I'm also getting some moderate citrus & bitter hops and a hint of toffee sweetness,

Taste - Munich malts with some moderately strong bitter hoppiness, which lingers throughout the palate along with some light toffee sweetness. The aftertaste consists mostly of that bitter hoppiness with a slight resin characteristic and it lasts for a few moments.

It definitely tastes more like an Oktoberfest than it does an IPA and the hoppiness is certainly there....but I can't say that the bitter hops mesh well with the overall flavor. It's an interesting idea from Deschutes but I think more consideration should've been taken when looking at which hops to use.

Deschutes Hopzeit Autumn IPA - 6/10

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