
Sunday, September 18, 2016

Sixpoint Tesla Review

Name: Sixpoint Tesla
Style: India Pale Lager
ABV: 7.1%
IBUs: 49

Look at this, another beer from Sixpoint that I have never seen before. In fact, when I initially saw this, I grabbed it without even bothering to find out what exactly the style of this is. When I got home, I looked it up and found out that it was in India Pale Lager, but not any ordinary one, for you see this is a Fresh Hopped IPL, so it made my gamble all the more enticed.

I also found out that this is actually a brand new beer from Sixpoint, and it's their first time releasing this beer commercially so I'm quite eager to try this one out!

Appearance - Moderately hazy dark yellow color with a mild amount of visible carbonation. The head is nice and foamy and the lacing is quite abundant.

Aroma - Fresh citrus & floral hops with some lager yeasts and mild pale malts.

Taste - Fresh citrus and floral hops along with a solid pale malt backbone, all of which linger throughout. The back end of the palate is a mix of bitter hoppiness and lager yeasts and with a dry-yet-mild bitter hop aftertaste.

I have never had a fresh hopped IPL before in my time as a craft beer drinker but this first time rendition knocks it out of the park. Since it is a Fresh Hopped IPL, you'll want to drink this as soon as possible and that's not just because it's a good tasting beer either!

Sixpoint Tesla - 9/10

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