
Tuesday, February 11, 2020

Short Fuse Bear-ie White Review

Name: Short Fuse Bear-ie White
Style: Witbier
ABV: 4.8%
IBUs: 12

Recently my lovely wife was in Chicago on a business trip. While she was there, she managed to grab a few crowlers from Short Fuse Brewing Company, which was down the street from the hotel she was staying at. First up on the docket was one that caught my attention when I was reviewing their list of offerings and that is their Bear-ie White, which is a witbear made with 120 lbs of gummy bears. This means that Short Fuse took 24 of these…..

…..and put it into this beer. Well, let’s dive into this, shall we?

Appearance – Clear yellow color with a high amount of visible carbonation. The head is somewhat foamy but the lacing left behind is quite sparse.

Aroma – Well, they weren’t kidding when they said this was made with gummy bears because they are front-and-center on the news. I’m also getting some malted wheat notes and a touch of light floral hops.

Taste – Much like the nose, the gummy bears shine through here but they’re never to a point in which they are overwhelming, thanks in part to the malted wheat and floral hop aspects of the flavor. The aftertaste is fairly dry, save for a light touch of gummy bear sweetness.

It’s a bizarre & farfetched combination that somehow manages to work, and work well at that. Now if you’re not a fan of gummy bears, you will probably not like this beer but if you’re looking for something that’s out there, then I would wholeheartly recommend Bear-ie White.

Short Fuse Bear-ie White – 8/10

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