
Tuesday, April 14, 2020

Angry Inch False Penance Review

Name: Angry Inch False Penance
Style: Barleywine
ABV: 11.2%
IBUs: 52

One more beer from Angry Inch left to go! I did have a crowler of their Crabby Appleton Graf but that got consumed during a bonfire, so we’re moving onto the main event: False Penance.

It’s a Rye Barrel Aged Belgian-style Barleywine, so one can assume that there will be a lot going on in this flavor. When I was talking with Jon, he touted this as one of his favorite beers & it’s also been a long time since I’ve had a proper barleywine to review. Needless to say, I’m very eager to try this out.

Appearance – A fairly hazy dark red color with no head or lacing to speak of.

Aroma – Strong rye, oak and sherry port notes with some mild bitter hops along with some light Belgian yeast and clove spiciness. The caramel malt backbone is nice and strong here as well.

Taste – Upon taking my first sip, the rye spiciness and oak notes are front and center along with that port flavor. In the middle is where those Belgian yeast and mild bitter hop notes shine nicely the back end of the palate is where that caramel & toffee maltiness are most prevalent.

There’s a lot going on in the flavor and I, for one, love it; Espcially the rye flavors! That said, if you’re not a fan of rye, this beer isn’t going to win you over simply based on how prevalent the said flavor is…..but if you enjoy rye & barrel aged beers, then this beer is pretty much a love letter to you!

Angry Inch False Penance – 9.5/10

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