Wednesday, May 14, 2014

Lucid Foto Review

Name: Lucid Foto
Style: India Pale Ale
ABV: 6.5%

It's time to look at another beer from Lucid Brewing, whom are based out of Minnetonka, Minnesota. This time around I have their Foto IPA, which I have been seeing on the store shelves for a while but I have never really tried it out until now. Plus another thing that I have noticed with Lucid is that they finally have their own custom bottle caps as opposed to the generic ones which I am used to seeing; Chalk up one more decoration to my beer fridge!

Lucid Foto pours a hazy dark orange color with a thin foamy head. The visible carbonation is rather moderate but the lacing is abundant and sticky.

The nose starts things off with some sweet orange peel and citrus hop notes, backed up by a solid caramel maltiness and toffee sweetness.

The flavor starts out with a sweet citrus hop flavor but with a distinct bitter hoppiness which settles on the back of the palate. These are backed up by a caramel maltiness and yeasts.

The palate is quite heavy body in terms of body weight with some mild-to-moderate carbonation that allows the flavors to really help sink in.

All and all, Foto is a well-rounded and well-balanced IPA. It's hoppy enough for fans of the style to enjoy yet malty enough to please those who like their IPAs on the sweeter side. Check it out if you get the chance.

Lucid Foto - 8/10

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