Friday, September 13, 2019

Summit Saga Review

Name: Summit Saga
Style: India Pale Ale
ABV: 6.3%
IBUs: 65

Time to look at what has become a standby in Summit Brewing’s lineup and that is their Saga IPA. Named after the Norse Goddess Saga, she was also a drinking buddy of Odin so naturally, there’d be a beer named after her.

This is also one of those beers that I’ve had so often that I could’ve sworn that I had done a review on it at some point. After all, according to Untappd, I’ve been drinking this beer on occasion since 2014. However, after reviewing my archives the other day, I found out that this was not the case. Let us change this, shall we?

Appearance – Mildly cloudy dark golden color with tons of visible carbonation. The head has a nice foamy look to it and the lacing left behind is rather abundant.

Aroma – In the nose, I’m getting some potent citrus and piney hop notes, all backed up by a solid toffee malt backbone and slight yeastiness.

Taste – The front of the palate is dominated by piney hops with the middle opening up to light citrus hops and a solid toffee malt backbone. Towards the end of the palate as well as in the aftertaste, you start to see a lingering bitter hoppiness that lasts for a few moments after the last sip.

What can I say? There’s a reason why I’ll order this while I’m out if I’m unsure what I want to get. The hop profile is nicely balanced in conjunction with the malt backbone and the end result is a nice, drinkable IPA. Check it out, should you get the chance!