Monday, March 14, 2016

Great Divide Orabelle Review


Name: Great Divide Orabelle
Style: Tripel
ABV: 8.3%

It's been a few months since I've reviewed anything from Great Divide, and it's been even longer since I reviewed a Tripel. Today I have Great Divide's Orabelle, which is their Tripel-style ale that was released a couple years back. Doing some research on the name, I wasn't able to find much, except for the origin of the name, which so happens to mean Beautiful Seacoast.

Appearance - Very hazy dark yellow color with a mild amount of visible carbonation. The head is pretty foamy and the lacing is rather sparse.

Aroma - Lemongrass, floral hops and Belgian yeasts along with some pale malts and clove spiciness, along with a light hint of banana.

Taste - Pretty Belgian yeast & pale malt forward with some coriander, clove and banana notes towards the middle. In the back is where the Belgian yeasts start to gain momentum once again along with some light floral hops and light clove spiciness. In the aftertaste, I'm getting a very light bubblegum sweetness.

For what it is, it's a fairly standard Tripel that manages to please without doing anything that I haven't already seen before. On top of that, it commands a fairly reasonable price point so that it ensures you're getting your money's worth. So if you so happen to see this, I would say check it out.

Great Divide Orabelle - 8.25/10

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