Wednesday, October 12, 2016

Dogfish Head Oak-Aged Noble Rot Review

Name: Dogfish Head Oak-Aged Noble Rot
Style: Saison
ABV: 9%
IBUs: 18

On a recent visit to Wisconsin, I managed to grab a beer from Dogfish Head that I've actually been meaning to try out for a while and that beer is Oak-Aged Noble Rot. Now I know it's a pretty recent beer but the standard issue Noble Rot has been available for a few years now. Each time I'm able to get Dogfish Head, I always try to get something from them but sometimes the selection is slim pickings.

So what is Noble Rot? Well it's a Saison made with grapes and the name itself comes from a fungus that affects white grapes, which I believe is used in the brewing process. This will also be the second grape-based beer that I've had from Dogfish Head, with the first being their Sixty One, which I mistook for their Sixty Minute IPA back when I first acquired it. Needless to say, I'm curious to see how this turns out and, if anything, hoping it doesn't turn out similar to Sixty One.

Appearance - Fairly clear bright yellow color with no visible carbonation to speak of. The head is quite fizzy upon initial pour and doesn't stick around long and there's also no lacing to speak of left behind.

Aroma - White grapes and light funk mixed in with some Belgian Yeasts. In fact, I feel like I'm whiffing some Pinot Grigio right now.

Taste - White grapes, oak and Belgian yeasts make an appearance upfront, with some mild grape must and light lacto-funk towards the back. The aftertaste, fittingly enough, is rather dry save for a light mustiness that is reminiscent of white wine.

I know that Dogfish Head has always wanted to bridge the gap between beer and wine and as far as this goes, this is without a doubt the closest I've seen that happen so far. It looks, smells, and even tastes like a Pinot Grigio but there's also enough difference in the flavor to remind you that this is also still very much a beer.

As for myself, I enjoyed it and I think any seasoned craft beer fan looking for something different will more than likely find something to enjoy about this. Hell, I'll even go as far to say that wine aficionados will find this appealing.

Dogfish Head Oak-Aged Noble Rot - 9/10

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