Tuesday, October 11, 2016

New Glarus Smoke on the Porter Review

Name: New Glarus Smoke on the Porter
Style: Baltic Porter
ABV: 6.1%

It's been over two years since I've reviewed a New Glarus beer, even though they are one of the most reviewed breweries on this website. So on my trip to Wisconsin, I managed to grab a four pack of their newest Thumbprint Series called Smoke on the Porter, which is a Baltic (Smoked) Porter and takes its name from a classic Deep Purple song. It's also been a good while since I've had a Baltic Porter, so let's try this out, shall we?

Appearance - Pitch black with no visible carbonation. The head is khaki colored and quite thin and there's not really any lacing left behind.

Aroma - Smoked and roasted malts with some dark chocolate notes and just a touch of bitter hops.

Taste - Smoked malts and roasted barley that start in the front and linger throughout. In the middle is where I'm getting some dark chocolate notes while the back opens up to some mild dark fruitness (i.e. plums). As for the aftertaste, it's more smoked malts with light bitter hops.

What can I say, other than it's a great, vibrant tasting Baltic Porter? It's got smoke, roast and even some light fruit to give it an enjoyable and solid flavor. I need to make my way over to Wisconsin more often if New Glarus is pumping out beers like this!

New Glarus Smoke on the Porter - 9/10

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