Tuesday, August 4, 2015

3 Sheeps Really Cool Waterslides Review

Name: 3 Sheeps Really Cool Waterslides
Style: India Pale Ale
ABV: 6.2%
IBUs: 60

I'm taking a break from my Texas Craft Beer package (for reasons you'll find out later) to look at a beer from 3 Sheeps Brewing Company, a brewery that is, to my knowledge, fairly new to Minnesota. Based out of Sheboygan, Wisconsin, I've seen this brewery in stores during some of my excursions to Wisconsin but it was in the form of bombers of their fresh hop IPA that had some age to it.

So today I'm looking at their Really Cool Waterslides IPA. If I had to venture a guess, I would say the name of the beer is an homage to Wisconsin Dells. For those of you not living in the Midwest, Wisconsin Dells is the Waterpark Capital of the World, boasting an insanely high number of Waterparks and Amusement Parks. As the old saying goes: One has not lived until they have experienced Noah's Ark Waterpark.

Appearance - Very hazy dark orange color with a high amount of visible carbonation. The head is on the thinner side but foamy and some decent retention. The head has a light khaki hue and the lacing is quite abundant and sticky

Aroma - Piney hops, orange peel and pungent grapefruits starts things off with a strong toffee/caramel malt backbone and just a touch of yeastiness in the back. There's not really much else but it is mildly dank smelling, not a bad thing (at least for me.)

Taste - Strong dank piney hoppiness & apricots on the front of the palate with an equally strong caramel/toffee malt backbone. This is followed by some light orange peel notes, some mild yeastiness and some bitter hops, all of these make up the aftertaste and it lingers for quite a while.

Really Cool Waterslides is......really cool! The dank and malty aspects of the flavor are very well balanced and the drinkability is actually quite good! If you see this on the store shelves, this is one IPA that is definitely worthy of your attention.

3 Sheep Really Cool Waterslides - 9/10

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