Tuesday, August 25, 2015

Wisconsin Dells Kilbourn Hop Ale Review

Name: Wisconsin Dells Kilbourn Hop Ale
Style: American Pale Ale
ABV: 5.5%

Last weekend, my wife and her family were vacationing at Wisconsin Dells, the self-proclaimed waterpark capital of the world. I was unable to attend due to other commitments but I asked my wife if she would get some beers for me from the Wisconsin Dells Brewing Company, which is a brewery located inside Moosejaw Pizza and one of the two breweries located in the city proper.

Right now, their beer is available in only a handful of cities in the southern half of Wisconsin. For this review, I'll be looking at their Kilbourn Hop Ale, which gets its name from Kilbourn City, which later changed to Wisconsin Dells. According to the brewery's website, there were hop farms located the area in 1842 and Kilbourn City was the supposed epicenter of the hop boom.

Appearance - A very hazy dark orange color with no visible carbonation. The head is quite thin with decent retention and there is some very sparse lacing along the sides of the glass.

Aroma - Citrus and bitter hops upfront followed by a solid toffee malt backbone. I'm also getting some light orange peel notes and some moderate yeastiness, almost like baked bread.

Taste - Pungent citrus hops and mild piney hops with some more toffee maltiness, a touch of bitter hoppiness and just a very light hint of roastiness. The aftertaste is made up of light yeastiness and some mild grapefruit notes.

I have to say this is quite good! It doesn't do anything that I already haven't seen but this is a nice drinkable pale ale. If I ever find myself in Wisconsin Dells in the future, I'll be sure to check out more of their beers should I get to opportunity.

Wisconsin Dells Kilbourn Hop Ale - 8.25/10

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