Monday, April 11, 2016

Affiliation with Homebrew Supply

My fellow readers,

For the past 3 years, I have been bringing you beer reviews on this website and I still have that excitement of sharing my thoughts with all of you today just as much as I did when I did my first inaugural post. Since then I've been running this website with just a laptop, camera and of course, beer. During this time, the number of craft breweries, along with craft beer drinkers has grown exponentially. Since the popularity of craft beer has risen dramatically, so has the popularity of this website.

For the past couple of years, I have been trying to figure out was I can benefit financially from all of this. Since I'm running this website on the Blogger platform, the preferred choice for generating revenue is Google AdWords. However, AdWords currently prohibits ads on websites that promote the sale of alcohol, and it has cost me quite a bit in missed potential revenue. I've been approached in the past by numerous different companies have offered me money to do promotional posts/spots on this website, but all of these companies had virtually nothing to do with beer so I ended up turning them down because I felt it went against the very purpose of why I created this website.

That puts me in a truly unique position: I want to be able to generate revenue but I want to be able to do so without having to sell my soul for it. Plus I want it to be relevant to what I write about. Running this website certainly isn't free, so what do I do?

Well, recently the guys over at Homebrew Supply approached me and asked if I could become an affiliate of their's and do advertising for them on my website. After much consideration, I have decided it is something that I feel very comfortable with advertising on here because not only does it relate to what I write about but it also allows me to start generating revenue. Plus long time readers of mine know that I have been a huge supporter of upstart breweries for a long time and I strongly encourage anyone who has dreams to be a brewer one day to go for it.

So what's going to change? Absolutely nothing! I'm still going to do beer reviews & articles but you'll now see some banners throughout the website for Homebrew Supply and that's pretty much it. Again, I wouldn't be doing this if I didn't feel it wasn't relevant to the content of this website and I feel it strongly relates to what I write about and I'm pretty excited about all of this.

Be sure to check their website out, they have a very good selection of ingredients and equipment to choose from, and plus they have supplies for home distilling, which is something that I haven't seen as of yet.

As always, thank you all for your continued support and remember the immortal words of Hunter S. Thompson:

Good People Drink Good Beer.


- Nick

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