Monday, February 6, 2017

Orpheus Atalanta Review

Name: Orpheus Atalanta
Style: Saison
ABV: 5.25%

We're on to the second-to-last beer from the Georgia craft beer  package and this one is from Orpheus Brewing, which is also based out of Atlanta. I give to you Atalanta, which is described as a "Tart Plum Saison" by the brewery, which also happens to be made with brettanomyces.

Despite preconceptions that this beer is a deliberate misspelling of Atlanta, the name actually derives from Greek mythology from the huntress Atalanta who was renowned for being a fierce hunter and was left on a mountain top to die at birth, only to be nursed back to health by, of all things, a bear; Which is what just so happens to be on the label.

Appearance - Pale dark yellow with a moderate amount of carbonation. The head is somewhat foamy and there's a ton of lacing left behind along the sides of the glass.

Aroma - Strong Belgian Yeasts and sour-funk, along with some plum, light floral hop & white grape notes. I'm also getting a mild pale malt backbone in here too.

Taste - Strong Brett and Moderate Belgian yeasts upfront. Floral hops and flaked oats in the middle and back, More light lacto in back

For what it's worth, this is pretty tasty. I like the funk aspect of the flavor as it's in your face but doesn't necessarily dominate the entirety of the palate. Plus I'm quite pleased to see that there's a brewery in Atlanta dediciated to making sours a year-round priority. If funky/sour beers are your thing, then this will do just nicely.

Orpheus Atalanta - 8.5/10

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