Wednesday, February 8, 2017

Wicked Weed Medora Review

Name: Wicked Weed Medora
Style: Wild Ale
ABV: 6.6%

I saved the best for last with my Georgia craft beer package and it's one I'm very excited to have as I've heard so much about this brewery from friends and craft beer fans alike about how their sour beers are considered among the best in the country. I give to you Medora, an offering from Wicked Weed Brewing based out of Asheville, NC.

Medora is a wild ale made with blackberries, raspberries and Brettanomyces. On top of that, it's also aged in red wine barrels. To quote a friend of mine who is very familiar with Wicked Weed's offerings said that Medora was a "gold brick" and how it was one of his all-time favorite sours.

Appearance - Hazy crimson color with no visible carbonation. The head is pretty thin for the most part but lingers for a while and the lacing left behind is sparse.

Aroma - Raspberries and blackberries with some plum notes. I'm getting a mild amount of Brett funk in here as well and even some light floral hoppiness.

Taste - Potent raspberry and blackberry sweetness on the front and middle of the palate with a light amount of sour. However, in the back of the palate is where that Brett yeast suddenly becomes the dominant flavor above everything else in a reasonably big way. The aftertaste, on the otherhand, is surprisingly dry. There's also an encompassing light oak flavor in here as well, but it pales in comparison to the rest of the flavor.

Well, it's not too often that I have a beer that meets the hype surrounding it but this one does just that. To top it all off, this may be one of the best sours I've had in a long time. Anyone who is able to have these guys readily available in the store close to them should consider themselves to be very lucky.

With that said, I feel like the bar has been set for sours as a whole, at least for myself. If I ever find myself in the Southeastern United States ever again, this brewery will definitely be at the top of my list of beers to get.

Wicked Weed Medora - 9.5/10

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