Wednesday, February 1, 2017

Sam Adams Rebel Juiced IPA Review

Name: Sam Adams Rebel Juiced IPA
Style: India Pale Ale
ABV: 6.2%
IBUs: 55

The other beer that Sam Adams sent me is yet another Rebel IPA beer. This time, we have their Juiced IPA, which is an IPA made with mango juice. It's also made with Zeus, Mandarina &.....Mosaic Hops? I'm starting to see a pattern here. In any case, this just came out so I'm curious to see how this is.

Appearance - Mildly hazy orange color with a mild amount of visible carbonation. The head is fairly foamy and there's some nice sticky lacing left behind on the sides of the glass.

Aroma - Citrus hops and mango notes, combined with some pale malts and toffee sweetness. I'm also getting some light passion fruit notes in here as well.

Taste - Potent citrus hop and mango notes that linger throughout the palate. There's a moderate pale/toffee malt backbone that is present throughout the flavor while the back of the palate opens to some mild hop bitterness and passion fruit. Aftertaste is made up of bitter hops and a light mango sweetness.

Overall, it's a solid addition to the Rebel lineup but I can't help but feel that this would be better with blood orange as opposed to say mango juice. As it stands, it's a good IPA that I think any loyal follower of the Rebel series will no doubt enjoy, plus those who are looking for a good intro IPA.

Sam Adams Rebel Juiced IPA - 8/10

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