Tuesday, July 30, 2013

Sierra Nevada Hoptimum Review

Name: Sierra Nevada Hoptimum
Style: Imperial IPA
ABV: 10.4%

I'm going to be taking a break from reviewing New Glarus beers to focus on a beer that I have been wanting to try for a while. I'm of course talking about Hoptimum, Sierra Nevada's own Imperial IPA. Though it has nowhere near the amount of hype as say....Bell's Hopslam, it is still a very highly sought after beer and very well regarded in the craft beer community.

Though I will admit that the label, while very clever, tends to freak me out a little bit for one reason in particular. The hophead on the front of the label reminds me a "Clicker" from the video game "The Last of Us." I won't post a photo of the Clicker because I'm going to assume some of my readers are squeamish; Google it and you decide.

As for Hoptimum, according to the website, it was originally brewed as part of their Beer Camp Program. It's brewed with a variety of whole-cone hops as well as new experimental hops which aren't named. It also holds the world record for the most times the word "Hops" are mentioned on a single beer label. It's classified as an Imperial IPA with an ABV of 10.40%.

It pours a hazy orange color with a 1 finger width head. It sports some abundant lacing along the sides of the glass and has some mild carbonation activity visible.

The aroma consists mainly of citrus, piney, floral & dry hop notes, along with some grapefruit and caramel notes. If I didn't know better, I'd say the people who made this beer really enjoy their hops, but that's only speculation.

I'm finally tasting it.......aaaaaaaand it's hops. Lots and lots of............hops. Piney Hops, Citrus Hops, Floral Hops, Bitter Hops, Dry Hops! Oh and there are some caramel and orange notes in the back and the aftertaste is a bittersweet citrusy hoppiness., but who the hops cares, it's HOPS!!!

The body is heavy in weight with a moderate amount of carbonation which helps add to the flavor of DELICIOUS ALL-POWERFUL HOPS!!!!

Hops. Hops. Hops. Hops. Hops. Hops. Hops. Hops. Hops. Hops. Hops. Hops. Hops. Hops. Hops. Hops. Hops. Hops. Hops. Hops. Hops. Hops. Hops. Hops. Hops. Hops. Hops. Hops. Hops. Hops. Hops. Hops. Hops. Hops. Hops. Hops.

Oh, in case you were wondering, it's a great beer that exemplifies the Imperial IPA style and you really ought to drink it.

Sierra Nevada Hoptimum - 9.5/10

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