Tuesday, April 14, 2015

Lazy Monk Bohemian Pilsner Review

Name: Lazy Monk Bohemian Pilsner
Style: Pilsner

Well look at this, a brand new brewery to be featured on this blog! Hailing from Eau Claire, Wisconsin, we have Lazy Monk Brewing! Today I've got their Bohemian Pilsner, which is considered to be their flagship beer. The thing that makes this beer (and brewery) so unique is that the brewmaster, Leos Frank, is a native of the Czech Republic and has set up shop in America's Heartland.

Appearance - Clear yellow color with a mild amount of visible carbonation. The head is rather thin in appearance but with a good filmy retention with no visible lacing.

Aroma - Strong pilsner maltiness in the front of the nose with some pale maltiness as well. I'm also picking up on some biscuit and yeasty notes. Interestingly enough, I'm not getting any earthiness in this.

Taste - Strong buttery-biscuits and pilsner malts make up the front of the palate, with pale malts and a light bitter hoppiness making up the back end of the flavor. The aftertaste is quite dry save for a lingering pilsner maltiness

You know when you go buy an Imported Pilsner but it smells and tastes skunky because it's been sitting on the shelf longer than your dog has been alive? Well that's not the case here, because it not only tastes fresh but it also feels very refreshing. As cliché as it may sound, it's like they took an authentic Czech Brewery, placed it in Wisconsin and created this. What I'm trying to say is that this is an excellent beer and one of the best pilsners I've had in a long while. Right now they only distribute to the Southern half of Wisconsin, but I hope one day to see their distribution expanded even further.

Lazy Monk Bohemian Pilsner - 9.5/10

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