Saturday, May 23, 2015

Community Beer Company Inspiration Review

Name: Community Beer Company Inspiration
Style: Belgian Strong Ale
ABV: 10.2%

Well I'm on my final beer from the Community Beer Company based out of Dallas, Texas. This time around, I've got Inspiration, which is named after the street at which the brewery is located on. Inspiration is a barrel-aged Belgian Strong Ale, a style which I haven't had for a long time. As for the type of barrels used in the aging process, I could not find out what they were, despite my best efforts.

Apperance - Initially appears pitch black in color but it turns to a very cloudy dark brown color when held up to a light. The head is off white in appearance with some pretty good lacing.

Aroma - Rich oak & vanilla notes paired with some caramelized malts. I'm also picking up on some figs, Belgian yeasts, light bitter hoppiness, blackberries and plums.

Taste -  The Belgian yeasts take a more prominent role, being front & center on the front of the palate with along with some equally strong oak, vanilla and plum notes. Figs, blackberries, & bitter hops make up the back end of the palate while the caramelized malts form a solid backbone which encompasses the overall flavor.

Nice, complex, and smooth; Just the way a Belgian Strong Ale should be. The people of Dallas should be proud to have this brewery because they make some pretty good beers and it's a pleasant surprise to see this style of beer come from the heart of the Lone Star State. There's a good chance I'll be heading to Dallas in the not-too-distant future so I'll be sure to snag some more of these bottles when I'm there

Community Beer Company Inspiration - 9.5/10

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