Tuesday, May 26, 2015

Lakewood Hop Trapp Review

Name: Lakewood Hop Trapp 
Style: Belgian IPA
ABV: 6.4%
IBUs: 55

Continuing on with my package of Texas craft beers, I'm moving along to a couple of beers from Lakewood Brewing, based out of Garland, TX. My first beer which I'll be having from them is Hop Trapp, which is their Belgian IPA.

When I was conducting the beer trade, I wasn't too specific about what I wanted as I usually like to be surprised, but I did request that at least a couple of the beers be Belgian-style with no regards to whether it be an IPA or Saison. Plus I have always wanted to try real craft beer from a state that is best known for Shiner. It's also been a few months since I've had a Belgian IPA so I'm very eager to try this out.

Appearance - Very dark & cloudy orange color with a small amount of visible carbonation. The head takes on a thin khaki-colored appearance and there is tons of lacing to back this up

Aroma - Rich citrus hops and coriander notes upfront, with a healthy amount of Belgian Yeasts & cloves and a solid caramel malt backbone to help round things out.

Taste - It doesn't deviate too much from the nose. You've still got the citra hop and coriander on the front of the palate, but there is also an addition of grapefruit notes as well. This is followed by some Belgian yeasts, cloves and caramelized malts. As for the aftertaste, it's more grapefruit bitterness and caramel malts.

I have to say, I'm quite pleased with this. It's nicely balanced and yet is very vibrant in both the nose and the flavor palate. So far, I'm liking what I see from Lakewood Brewing and I'm very eager to see what the other beers taste like!

Lakewood Hop Trapp 9/10

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