Monday, May 18, 2015

Door County Biere De Seigle Review

Name: Door County Biere De Seigle
Style: Saison
ABV: 7.0%

Recently a new brewery has arrived on the store shelves in my area called Door County Brewing Company, based out of Bailey's Harbor, Wisconsin. Where is Door County you ask? You know that peninsula that sticks out into Lake Michigan on the east side of Wisconsin? That's Door County right there! It's also where many of the cherries used in regional cherry beers, such as Fitger's Cherry Batch and New Glarus Belgian Red, come from.

Today I've got their Biere De Seigle. Contrary to what the name leads you to believe, this is actually a Saison-style ale and not a Biere De Garde ale. Plus Biere De Seigle is french for Rye Beer. Speaking of which, half of the label is adorned with the French language while the other half is in English; In other words, it's like Canada.

Appearance - A moderately hazy dark yellow color with a mild amount of visible carbonation. The head has a foamy-soapy appearance and the lacing is surprisingly plentiful and sticky

Aroma - Before putting this to my nose, I could smell the Belgian Yeasts even when the glass is sitting 2 feet from me. That said, the nose is very Belgian Yeast and Pilsner Malt forward, with some grassiness and an underlying rye scent.

Taste - Much like the nose, the taste is dominated by Belgian Yeasts and Pilsner malts upfront but joining these flavors is some pale maltiness. The second half of the flavor is more Belgian Yeasts, mild-to-moderate bitter-citra hops and rye. The aftertaste though is made of of Belgian Yeasts, light rye spiciness and bitter hops.

Before seeing this beer on the store shelves, I had never heard of Door County Brewing and, like many breweries I had never seen before, was a bit skeptical at first. That said, I think the flavor is excellent and nicely balanced. On top of that the rye actually gives it sort of a crisp feel to it, a trend which I have been seeing recently and have no problem with. After having this, I will be sure to check out more of their offerings in the future and I advise anyone to do the same!

Door County Biere De Seigle - 9/10

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