Friday, May 1, 2015

Stillwater Artisanal Existent Review

Name: Stillwater Artisanal Existent
Style: Saison
ABV: 7.4%

When I picked up a couple of bottle from Stillwater Artisanal Ales a couple weeks back, I didn't exactly pay attention to the style which I was getting. So imagine my embarrassment when I got home and realized that I got two beers of the same style from the same brewery. Nevertheless, I shall proceed with having this.

Today I've got Existent, Stillwater's Dark Saison. I can deduce the name comes from the man on the label, who just so happens to be Frederich Nietzsche. He was also one of the leading contributors of the Existentialist philosophy movement (I knew I'd use what I learned in Freshman year Philosophy Class someday!)

Appearance - A very dark brown with a crimson tinge along the edges. It becomes completely crimson red when held up to the glass which gives it a surprisingly clear appearance. The head is less foamy here but the lacing retention is still excellent

Aroma - Picking up on some Belgian Yeasts & a potent chocolate maltiness in the front, followed by some roasted barley notes along with some dark fruitiness that reminds me of blackberries. This is paired with some floral hoppiness.

Taste - The chocolate malts & Belgian yeasts are the forerunners on the palate, but the blackberry and floral hoppiness follow up almost immediately. As for the aftertaste, I'm getting a mix of moderate roasted barley, mild floral hops and just a hint of Blackcurrant.

You know what? Between the two Saisons I've had from Stillwater, this is easily the better of the two. It's got a different yet vibrant flavor profile and the nose and taste are consistent with one another. I've had a couple different Dark Saisons before, but they didn't come close to what I have here in front of me. So if you're looking for a different type of Saison, this will hit the spot!

Stillwater Artisanal Existent - 9/10

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