Sunday, June 28, 2015

Sam Adams Summer Ale Review

Name: Sam Adams Summer Ale
Style: American Pale Wheat Ale/Wheat Beer
ABV: 5.3%
IBUs: 7

Guess what everyone? It's summertime!

That's right, I'll be reviewing some summer seasonals for the next few reviews. The first we'll be looking at comes from Sam Adams Summer Ale, which is a Pale Wheat Ale. Aside from it being a wheat beer and a summer seasonal, there isn't really a whole lot to say about this beer. Although I have seen this during the times I goto Buffalo Wild Wings/Outback with the wife, though I haven't really bothered with it until now.

Appearance - Mildly hazy bright yellow color with tons of carbonation. The head is fairly foamy but with no lacing retention.

Aroma - Starts out with some malted wheat and orange peel followed by a little bit of citrus hops and a good amount of pale malts. Fairly basic so far.

Taste - Very similar to the aroma. You've got malted wheat and orange peel on the front with some light bitter citrus hops and pale malts in the back.

There really isn't a whole lot to say about this beer. It's simple, it's light, it's refreshing, and the perfect beer for those hot summer nights. Sure you're not getting the most complex tasting beer out there, but that isn't always necessarily a bad thing.

Sam Adams Summer Ale - 8/10

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