Thursday, January 5, 2017

Angry Inch Backwoods Brown Review

Name: Angry Inch Backwoods Brown
Style: Imperial Brown Ale
ABV: 9.5%
IBUs: 42

So my health had taken a turn for the worse, so I was unable to get around to looking at some beers for a few days but I'm back and ready to have some beers again.

One of my new year's resolutions was to focus more on local craft breweries and I figured that I may as well start with a brewery I am quite familiar with: Angry Inch Brewing. Despite my continued support for them, it's been well over 2 years since I've reviewed any beers from them. In fact, since I did my last review, they became a full-fledged brewery.

So I'm starting things off by reviewing Backwoods Brown, an Imperial Brown Ale that is only available in their taproom at this time. Since temperatures are supposed to drop below zero this week, I decided to grab a growler of this in preparation for the oncoming cold snap.

Appearance - Dark brown color that is almost black in appearance. The head is nice and foamy and there's a ton of lacing left behind.

Aroma - Chocolate malts and roasted barley mixed in with some toffee sweetness and a hint of molasses. I'm also getting some light oak notes out of this too.

Taste - Strong molasses and sarsaparilla notes with a hint of oak. I'm also getting some potent chocolate malts in here as well as some roastiness on the back end of the palate. I kind of want to make an ice cream float out of this!

This is fantastic! It's roasty yet sweet at the same time and the overall flavor profile reminds me a bit of root beer. This is, however, very much a beer. On top of that, the body is also quite smooth! In short, this has become one of my favorite beers they've made so far and serves as a reminder to myself I need to have their beer more often.

Angry Inch Backwoods Brown - 9/10

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