Monday, January 16, 2017

Sierra Nevada Sidecar Review

Name: Sierra Nevada Sidecar
Style: American Pale Ale
ABV: 5.3%
IBUs: 35

Been a while since I've reviewed something from Sierra Nevada, but I couldn't help but take notice of this the other day as it was in both six & twelve pack bottles. I give to you Sidecar, which is described as an Orange Pale Ale, To my knowledge, this is a brand new offering from the brewery and I figured that if they were giving it such a huge release that I may as well check it out at least.

Appearance - Mildly hazy dark orange with a light amount of carbonation. The head is nice and foamy and there's a ton of lacing left behind.

Aroma - Orange peel and citrus hops mixed in with a pale & toffee malt backbone. I'm also getting some light yeastiness in here as well.

Taste - Floral hops and light orange peel upfront with that pale/toffee malt backbone and citrus hops making an in the middle and back. On the back end of the palate, I'm getting a surprisingly strong bitter hoppiness paired with some yeasts; Interesting for a beer that's 35 IBUs. Aftertaste, however, is mainly just yeasts and light orange peel.

It's not as orange-y as the label would leave you to believe but it manages to be yet another solid pale ale from the brewery. I predict this will be a hit among the casual beer drinking crowd and a profitable venture for Sierra Nevada. As such, this is pretty easy for me to recommend and it's worth checking out at the least.

Sierra Nevada Sidecar - 8/10

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