Tuesday, January 24, 2017

Terrapin RecreationAle Review

Name: Terrapin RecreationAle
Style: India Pale Ale
ABV: 4.7%
IBUs: 42

Next beer I have from Terrapin is a session IPA by the name of RecreationAle. I didn't get a chance to visit the liquor stores down there (again, three day wedding that took up 75% of my time in Georgia) but I'm assuming this is a pretty new beer since I don't recall seeing this on their company's website 3-4 years back.

I did some digging around on RecreationAle and found that this used to be classified as an American Pale Ale, which Beer Advocate still has it listed as. However I'm guessing that they did some tweaking to the original recipe as the can describes this a Session IPA.

Appearance - Clear bright orange color with very little visible carbonation. The head itself is pretty foamy but there really isn't anything here in terms of lacing.

Aroma - Mild citrus and piney hops with some toffee malts and just a hint of biscuit/yeastiness.

Taste - Citrus hops on the front of the palate with some mild piney hops in the middle. In the back, I'm getting some mild toffee malts and more light citrus hops. The aftertaste itself is quite dry save for a touch of yeasts that linger for a couple of seconds.

It's a good Session IPA and one that I would gladly accept would it be offered to me again. It plays it safe for the most part but has enough flavor in it that it'll satisfy those in the Session IPA crowd just fine.

Terrapon RecreationAle - 7.5/10

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