Saturday, January 21, 2017

Three Taverns Feest Noel Review

Name: Three Taverns Feest Noel
Style: Quadrupel 
ABV: 10%
IBUs: 30

This past summer, while on vacation, Florida wasn't the only place I visited as I also spent four days in Atlanta. Before going, I was even told that next to Asheville, Atlanta was the craft brewing hub of the Deep South. However the cards of life were stacked against me in this instance. I wasn't able to sample much of the local options due to the three day wedding (Yes, three days) that took up the bulk of my time and was only able to visit Red Brick Brewing and a local gastropub that had a great selection of local brews. As a result, my soul was aching from missing out on what could've been.

Then a couple weeks back as I was looking at my vacation photos, specifically the ones I took while touring Red Brick, I suddenly got the idea to do a beer mail that consisted Georgia beers. After posting a request on Reddit, I was finally able to get my hands on a pretty sizable sampling of beer from the Peach State.

First up is from a brewery called Three Taverns with their Feest Noel, a Quad made with spices. I'm keenly aware that this is technically a Christmas beer but I'm always looking to add more Quads to my library, so let's check this one out.

Appearance - Cloudy dark brown color with no visible carbonation. The head takes on a foamy dark khaki look and the lacing left behind is quite abundant.

Aroma - Caramel malts and spices mixed in with some Belgian yeasts, toffee sweetness, and just a hint of cloves

Taste -  Caramel malts and Belgian yeasts start things off on the front of the palate, followed by some toffee malts, cloves and spice in the back, with a slight touch of floral hops. The aftertaste is a mix of caramel malts and light cloves.

Being that this is my first offering from Three Taverns, I have to say I'm very impressed with this. Between the candied malts, yeast profile and spice, this is a very well put together Quad. Here's hoping the rest of the beers I got here are just as good as this.

Three Taverns Fesst Noel - 9/10

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