Monday, February 16, 2015

Putting The Beer Diet to the Test

A couple of days ago, I was reading The Growler Magazine when I came across this article and frankly, I found it hard to believe at first. It's about a gentleman by the name of Troy Rogers, who followed what he calls a beer diet. In the article, he followed a specific regiment of fasting on nothing but 1-2 bottles of beer (and water) four times a week and 3-5 hours of exercise each. To make a long story short, he loses 50 pounds in 3 months by following this diet and by doing exercise everyday.

Reading the article inspired me to try it out and to see how it works plus 50 lbs is also what I'm looking to lose. Right now, I'm 6' 4'' and currently weighing in at 275lbs, a far cry from the bean pole I was in high school and only weighing in at 160lbs. 

So I will be tracking my progress as I go about doing this on a Bi-Daily basis, which includes:

  • Beers Consumed
  • Exercise Done
  • Anything else on an "As Needed" basis
  • Weigh-in at the end of each week
I should point out that I will be attempting to work out every day as opposed to every other day. My goal is to replicate the diet as closely as possible. After 3 months has passed, I will be posting my results to see how far I've come along and if it indeed works.

Every diet I've tried recently hasn't worked for me at all and I keep falling off the wagon, but I think this is one diet I can get behind and stick to. I also start Grad School in about 3 months and I want to look better when I go back to school so the timing couldn't be better. So a big shoutout to The Growler for giving me the inspiration I need to get off my ass and try something new for a change and to Troy Rogers for coming up with the idea!

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